Entering Show in Danish miniature Schnauzerclub

Choose between 2 ways to enter shows in The Miniature Schnauzer Club, Denmark

  1. Enter the on-line formular here, The Miniature Schnauzer Club, Denmark
  2. Enter the on-line formular by www.dogweb.dk, Danish Kennel Club

Please notice: The first time a foreign owned/breed dog are entering a show in Denmark a copy of the pedigree and if any documentation of obtained championship must be send to Dvaergschnauzerklubben, Nygårdsvej 50, 4573 Højby, Denmark or attached the on-line formular, there automatically are sendt from the registration form to udstilling@dvkweb.dk.

When using Entry form
Payment must reach the DvK by the closing date. Payments from abroad can only be made by money order (mandat international). Plus exchange fee 30,- DKK. In case of payment by giro or money order (mandat international), the place of the show and the dog’s pedigree registration No. must be stated on the payment form.

Danske Bank: 4190 55 52 788


IBAN=   DK25 3000 0005 5527 88 .

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